Rookie Designer 60 - Joining a Team

December 14th, 2006 · 39 mins 53 secs

About this Episode

Working by yourself is one thing, but joining a team of designers is quite another. In this episode we'll look at what adjustments must be made to succeed as part of a larger design group, and how this experience can make you a stronger designer in the end.

Keys to the Game:
Arrange Layers in Photoshop
Move layer back
Mac: Command + [
PC: Control + [

Move layer to bottom
Mac: Command + Shift + [
PC: Control + Shift + [

Move layer forward
Mac: Command + ]
PC: Control + ]

Move layer to top
Mac: Command + Shift + ]
PC: Control + Shift + ]

Rookie Mistake Tip:
Don't be afraid to ask your coworkers for help. That's partially what they are there for and you can learn a lot from them.

In the Bullpen:
Worth 1000

Todays show featured music by:
Jets to Brazil