Rookie Designer 62 - Freelance Step by Step Part 2

January 11th, 2007 · 58 mins 18 secs

About this Episode

Once the contract is signed by the client and the deposit is in your hot little hands, its time to start the project. In this episode we'll continue on with the freelance process, touching on topics like brainstorming, approval processes and billing.

Keys to the Game:
Preview in Illustrator
Mac: Command + y
PC: Control + y

Rookie Mistake Tip:
Keep your projects on separate contracts and try to get paid for one job before starting another for the same client, to ensure timely compensation.

Links from todays show:
Apple iPhone
Flight Check Studio

In the Bullpen:
Brainstorming Techniques (Write Design Online)

Todays show featured music by:
The Living End