Rookie Designer 172 - Job Security is an Illusion

August 14th, 2018 · 26 mins 32 secs

About this Episode

This week Jake tackles the topic of job security. He talks about how the job market drastically changed around 2000 and explains why. While many feel safer working for someone else it may not always be the case. Jake relates working for an employer to owning your own business and how it's important to think about diversifying your income. It's not about discouraging you from working for someone else and feeling secure, it's about thinking about how to protect yourself in todays business market. He covers a couple of design news items from Adobe and finishes up with his Rookie Recommendation for the week.

Design News:
Adobe Max Keynote Speakers
Adobe adds 665 fonts to Creative Cloud

Rookie Recommendations:
Jake - GoodSync

The Client Attraction Mindset by Taughnee
Link to Book - The Client Attraction Mindset
Interview with Taughnee - Rookie Designer Podcast Episode 169
Remember to follow the instructions given in the podcast to win one of three copies of her book! Winner will be announced in the next few weeks.