Rookie Designer 173 - Pinterest For Designers

August 27th, 2018 · 52 mins 11 secs

About this Episode

Jake welcomes guest co-host Tauhgnee to the episode to sit in while Carl is off in Scotland enjoying his honeymoon. They cover a few design news items and then jump into the main topic. Taughnee has figured out how to use Pinterest to promote her business very effectively. They discuss how she uses the platform and what suggestions she has for someone just starting out using Pinterest. Lastly they both give their Rookie Recommendations for the week.

The Client Attraction Mindset by Taughnee
Link to Book - The Client Attraction Mindset
Interview with Taughnee - Rookie Designer Podcast Episode 169
Taughneed Business Website -

Design News:
Coca-Cola goes into the red with a brand new redesign
Ever Better: Refreshing the Evernote Brand
How One Millennial Graphic Designer Built A Business That Broke $2 Million

Rookie Recommendations:
Jake - CreativeLive Podcast Week
Taughnee -