Rookie Designer Podcast

Everyone's a Rookie Before They're An All-Star!

About the show

The Rookie Designer Podcast was founded in 2005, about one year into the growth of the new medium referred to as podcasting. Tired of the typical jargon laden, elitist discussions about the design field of work, Rookie Designer set out to create a resource for all designers, young and old, experienced and non. The Rookie Designer Podcast, brings tips, techniques and discussion delivered in an easy-to-understand format.

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Episodes and Blog Entries

  • Rookie Designer 80b - Approach to Design

    Episode  |  July 3rd, 2007  |  1 hr 2 mins

    Before we get into the thick of producing our designs, there are a lot of things to think about to make sure the workflow goes smoothly and the result is a success. This is what we will talk about in this episode.

  • Rookie Designer 80a - Meltdown/Contest 3

    Episode  |  June 28th, 2007  |  6 mins 5 secs

    Sorry, no episode yet. My computer turned against me today! We do have contest winners though, and some interesting news.

  • Rookie Designer 79 - Avoiding Distractions

    Episode  |  June 14th, 2007  |  1 hr 6 mins

    Its hard to work when your attention turns from work to elsewhere every 10 minutes. See how you can avoid distractions in your workspace and stop the chain of procrastination.

  • Rookie Designer 78 - Ethics in Design

    Episode  |  May 31st, 2007  |  1 hr 8 mins

    What's right and what's wrong as it relates to your career in design and how your work affects the world around you? There's no easy answer, and the answer must come from within, but in this episode we'll give you some things to think about.

  • Rookie Designer 77 - Raising Rates

    Episode  |  May 27th, 2007  |  54 mins 50 secs

    How do you deal with freelance rates, especially when you come to a point at which you must raise them? We'll discuss some options and issues surrounding this topic and more.

  • Rookie Designer 76 - Who Owns What?

    Episode  |  May 7th, 2007  |  51 mins 51 secs

    What happens when you're client doesn't like a stipulation in your freelance project? Who actually owns the rights to the artwork you create. Well cover these topics and more.

  • Rookie Designer 75 - Get More Out of Your Apps

    Episode  |  April 26th, 2007  |  46 mins 50 secs

    Maybe a change is on the horizon for you. Do you do everything in a pattern or similar routine? If so there are probably things you are missing out on by not exploring new territory and more specifically analysing the way you use your tools.

  • Rookie Designer 74 - Dollars and Sense

    Episode  |  April 19th, 2007  |  50 mins 22 secs

    In this episode we'll discuss some strategies for monetizing your design skills, whether it be selling a service, selling goods, or combinig with other companies to turn a profit. We also look at different ways to turn your designs into self promotion.

  • Rookie Designer 73 - Rules, Mistakes and Legalities

    Episode  |  April 12th, 2007  |  51 mins 48 secs

    Its a bit of a mixed bag this time. We discuss a few different topics that could affect your daily design life.

  • Rookie Designer 72 - Its Gold Jerry, Gold!

    Episode  |  April 7th, 2007  |  39 mins 21 secs

    There's a lot to be learned from other designers, but when you have one at your disposal to answer all your questions and deal with problems, the results can be much better.

  • Rookie Designer 71 - Crash and Burn?

    Episode  |  March 29th, 2007  |  33 mins 4 secs

    Hopefully this will never happen to you. My computer won't start and its making my life hell!

  • Rookie Designer 70 - Conquering the Interview

    Episode  |  March 22nd, 2007  |  1 hr 52 secs

    Its interview time again, and I might just be getting better at this! Listen to my experience with one of the longest interview adventures yet, and perhaps pick up a tip or two for your next opportunity.

  • Rookie Designer 69 - Typefaces & Fonts

    Episode  |  March 15th, 2007  |  45 mins 52 secs

    What's the difference between a Font and a Typeface? What fonts can I use for a printed project, web, video? Listen to this podcast for a lesson in typology.

  • Rookie Designer 68 - Choosing a Printer

    Episode  |  March 8th, 2007  |  47 mins 35 secs

    Working with outside vendors is unavoidable, so how can we make sure we get the best services out there? In this episode we'll take a look at some ways to evaluate and choose a printer that's suited for your specific needs.

  • Rookie Designer 67 - Customer Service IS Important!

    Episode  |  February 28th, 2007  |  50 mins 24 secs

    Good salesmanship coupled with great customer service is a hard thing to come by these days, but if you want to keep your customers happy, and keep them coming back, then this is something to work on. If you treat your clients right, they'll return the favor.

  • Rookie Designer 66 - The Tax Man

    Episode  |  February 15th, 2007  |  36 mins 32 secs

    The dreaded tax season is upon us, and with it comes many things to keep in mind. How much you owe and when to pay, what can be subtracted from your taxable total, and how to go about filing to name a few. In this episode we'll cover these issues and more.